
  • Mi primero mes en España
    Estoy llegó el 22 de octubre 2024, hace un mes ahora. Mi llegada fue perturbada por el tiempo. Las lluvias mas fuertes, las tormentas ha causadó un desastre en Valencia y las otras ciudades al cerca.  Durante este mes, descubrí muchas cosas o muchas nuevas personas como Klara mi compañera de piso. En mi trabajo
  • October-September
    I’ve now been here in Valencia for two months and feel well-settled. Unfortunately, it was Donata’s last month, which was very sad. But the next day, my new roommate arrived and we get along really well. Over the past few weeks, we’ve made a lot of Halloween decorations together and I helped out with some
  • 12 – Final experience
    The month of October marks the beginning of a new season of activities, filled with energy and fresh ideas! We started planning the first event of the year, working together on decorations and activities to engage children and teenagers. October is also the month for farewells and memorable moments: the final trips, the last dinners,
  • A new adventure
    Living alone in a different country for nine months is both exciting and challenging. I’ve moved to Valencia and it’s a whole new experience for me. I’m learning to find my way around, speak a different language and enjoy a new culture. When I arrived, I was nervous, but the people here have been really
  • 11 – Starting Again
    We are now nearing the end of this year, full of experiences, emotions, and changes. September started calmly, as it’s the time to settle back in and plan for the upcoming year. But for us volunteers, it’s also the moment to begin preparing Halloween decorations to create specific atmospheres. Between carving pumpkins, setting up barbecues
  • 10 – Beautiful but Melancholic Holidays in Spain
    In August, the Casal Jove closes for vacation, so we volunteers also get some time to rest. This summer, I decided to stay here in Spain and enjoy the sun, the sea, and the beautiful Spanish landscapes. I traveled around Spain a bit and took part in the summer festival in Puerto de Sagunto.However, this
  • 10: June – Escuela de verano
    At the end of June started the summer school of Casal Jove. It’s a five and a half weeks in which the kids come in the morning and come back after lunch. There are six different schools that are open during this week, and everyone of them has four groups of people divided by age.
  • 9: May – A life full of events
    Once every month Casal Jove organizes a big event. Every event has different activities for the different ages of the participants, and everything is themed around the theme of the month. During the event, the participants of the activities of Casal Jove comes with their families. The first one was Hallowen. We organized handcraft activities
  • 9- Campo estivo
    This marks the beginning of the second part of my project, which includes organizing summer activities that will run until the end of July. For three weeks, I will be assisting the monitores in summer schools with groups of young children. For the remaining two weeks, I will be engaged in the camps with older
  • 8- Una settimana a Mollina
    The time has come for the last part of the training. I completed the first part remotely, through online meetings; however, I was fortunate to attend this part in person.It was a journey full of surprises. I left Valencia with two other people I already knew, and gradually we met more people on the train.
  • 7- Attività di fine inverno
    It feels like I’ve been here for a short time, yet seven months have already passed. A bit of melancholy is setting in due to the end of the project, and along with it, the end of the winter activities organized by Casale. May is the final month, when the activities of the groups, courses,
  • 6- Esperienza nell’esperienza
    These months at Casale have made me realize how much I enjoy this work. Therefore, I decided to also attend the “Monitor de ocio y tiempo libre” so I can continue even after my ESC year ends. I participated in all the activities organized by Casale, such as my cooking course, programming, and activities with
  • 5- Compleanno durante le Fallas
    My experience here on Erasmus and with this project keeps getting better, with more activities, collaboration, and enthusiasm. And in March, it was time for celebrations, not only for my birthday but also for the Valencian folklore festival. Not only the city of Valencia, but also Sagunto and other towns transform during this period, filled
  • 8: April – Curso de Monitor
    In March I did my curso de monitor. I attended online classes in the first two weeks, and then I went to Leon to participate in the camp.I was a little bit scared about the language at the beginning, because I was the only one not speaking Spanish as a native, but I never had
  • 7: March – Moving to Spain
    I came to Spain knowing that I had to search for a job after the end of the project and that i needed to decide what I had to do with my life. Luckily just after the first month I understood that I wanted to remain in Spain working as a professional educator (monitor in
  • 6: February – Learning a new language
    In those six month my spanish improved a lot. I studied it in middle school, but I was very bad at the time, and in the next thirteen years I lost all my skills and knowledge. When I arrived in Spain, I wasn’t even able to introduce myself. During my first month I was surprised
  • 4- Lavorare presso Casal Jove
    In February, my fourth month here begins, months in which I have learned a lot and also worked hard to learn as much as possible from others and to tackle this huge event organized by the Casale: the manga festival. They were intense weeks full of research to find activities suitable for the event and
  • 3- L’atmosfera natalizia in Spagna
    This year in Spain, I wanted to make the most of it, and the Christmas atmosphere is one of the things not to be missed. I feel very fortunate to be part of this project and to have met wonderful people at work who are now friends and who involve me in their lives and
  • 5: January – Far From Home
    During the festivity of Christmas and Easter and during five weeks in the summer Casal Jove organize activities everyday for the young people that are not going to school. This meant for me staying in Sagunto for Christmas. We were helping in the morning the monitores in doing the activities with the kids, and in
  • 2- Esprimiti e aiuta
    L’esperienza di volontariato, secondo me, deve essere vissuta pienamente, condividendo le proprie conoscenze e competenze, come la mia passione per la cucina. Ecco perché a Casal Giove, da dicembre in poi, c’è un corso settimanale di cucina italiana completamente organizzato da me. Fino a un mese prima ero nella mia stanza a studiare e sognare