March, Month of the Fallas (and much more)
My month of March actually started in France. As two months before, I landed in Valencia the head full of expectations and happiness. Nonetheless, some personal issues, among others, with my computer that I could not use and the choice of my Master at home, prevented me from fully enjoying my first two weeks of March. They reminded me that these six months will pass by very quickly. I’ve done half of my stay here and a part of me already feels the end approaching.
The first big event was the 8th of March manifestation. We went with the youth center and other youngsters of Quart de Poblet then met some volunteers there. After waiting for a long time for the manifestation to start, we were able to walk through Valencia with our signs on. I was quite surprised by how big the date and the mobilization are in Valencia.
So, March signed a relative renewal for the city and for me. A sunnier and warmer period began. So, I went to the beach a few times. It was still too cold to take a bath, but I enjoyed it. I started a new activity in the morning to help non-Spanish speakers, mostly during the orientation activities “Jove Opportunitat”. It feels odd (and makes me proud) to say that three months ago I was A2/B1 and did not feel at ease communicating, and today I am able to help someone with my Spanish and skills.
The month of the Fallas transformed the face of city. Physically, with the mazcletas and the Fallas on every main street but also with a much more active population and tourism; sonically, with the petards at every hour; and culturally, with frequent music, sales of buñuelos de calabaza and churros. This change was impressive. Besides, I also shared the Fallas experience with my mother who came to visit me …
Finally, I did my formation at(not so)arrival at the end of the month, in Benicassim. I am glad it was a physical reunion! We were able to meet other volunteers living around Valencia. I learned a lot about the rights and duties of a volunteers, about all the resources we have (human helps, health insurance …) and other Erasmus opportunities.
It was definitely a very busy month 🙂
What’s next? First, a Barcelona trip at the beginning of April!! and hopefully some others; then; reading in Spanish, listening to Spanish-speaking music, swimming in Valencia …