3: November – Working Routine

At the end of October, just in time for the Halloween celebration, arrived the other volunteer of my project, Donata. I think it my be intresting to describe our working routine. There are actually two Casales in witch we organize activities: the one in Puerto and the one in Sagunto. I normally work in Puerto and I go in Sagunto just once a week or if there is a special event. On Tuesday morning we go hanging up posters on the bulletin boards in the city of Puerto for promoting the activities we do in Casal Jove. On Wednesday and Thursday morning we organize the activities that we have to do with young people and help the other youth workers to organize their own. On Wednesday and Thursday evening Donata give cooking class to children and I do some games in english for adolescent in an activity called “Let’s Chat!”. On Saturday we do activities all day, me in Puerto and Donata in Sagunto. In the morning I make handcraft activities and outdoor games with kids from five to eight years old; after lunch I help doing activities to improve social and personal awareness in kids from eight to eleven years old. In the evening I am with kids in a free space called “Espai” in witch they can play games.
There are two special events every month. The first one is the “Luna Plena” (Full Moon), that is a evening party on Friday with several activities for adolescents with a common theme. The other one is a big event, different every month, that require a lot of organization and that take place during the weekend. During this week we normally go promoting it in the different schools. For exemple for the Mangetsu, the festival of manga, i went to schools dressed as Super Mario and Pikachu.