A Month of Discoveries, Because why not?
Just like in previous months, this month was filled with its share of highs and lows, along with a mix of emotions.
The beginning of the month was rather typical, with the days flowing by in a somewhat monotonous manner, mostly focused on my tasks and spending time with my flatmates. I appreciated this routine, as it provided a much-needed break after the past few months.
However, as someone from Türkiye with a visa for only three months, it was quite a challenge for me to secure an appointment at the police station to obtain the ‘TIE’ card for an extended stay. The appointment process was overwhelming and frustrating, and not knowing what would happen after the visa expiration date added another layer of uncertainty. Fortunately, I managed to secure the appointment before the deadline, but the emotions lingered for a while. To anyone facing similar struggles, I can only offer the advice to be patient and persistent – don’t lose hope!
After the relief of finding a solution, it was back to the usual routine. I had the opportunity to experience a day in the life of a youth worker with Enrique, observing his ongoing projects. We spent 2-3 days with a teacher from Finland, explaining to him what AMICS does, its ongoing projects, priority topics, and visiting different youth centers in Valencia. These visits helped me understand how youth work and collaboration between municipalities and NGOs function, allowing me to compare the systems in Türkiye, Finland, and Spain. This only fueled my curiosity for the upcoming months and projects.
During the last weeks of the month, I participated in an on-arrival training for ESC volunteers in the region, held in Muro de Alcoy. During my time there, I had the chance to meet other volunteers from different cities in Spain, as well as from Valencia. We had a great time together, making strong connections with one another, and most importantly, I had a lot of fun. I’m already keeping in touch with some of the people I met, and I hope we can maintain these connections for a long time.
Last but not least, I participated in a ‘Wrestling Training’ for the very first time in my life. Even the idea of wrestling was entirely new to me (thanks to Enrique), so trying out some of the movements I’ve seen in shows was a completely different experience. But more importantly, it made me realize the limits I impose on myself in my mind. This has opened up a new door for me, and I am curious what is behind this door actually.
Wrapping up, this month has been quite the rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. As I look back I’ve overcome and the new paths I’ve explored, I’m excited for what lies ahead.
Until next time, stay tuned for more from the journey!