Halfway through: 6 months here

Hello again,

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 6 months here. Unlike other months, I didn’t have as many mobility activities; however, it was full of reflections and time spent with myself.

But most importantly, I had my first-ever birthday celebration abroad. I had the chance to celebrate my birthday on the beach with my flatmates, colleagues, and other friends from Valencia whom I met this year. It was my first time celebrating in this way. I also had a very nice quiche as a birthday cake, which was way better than a normal cake. I don’t know if this is the case for everyone, but for me, most of my birthdays are more thoughtful, calm, and reflective on what has happened and what will happen in my life in the future. The combination of being halfway through my stay here and my birthday led to very deep conversations with myself.

On the other hand, I went to a concert with my friend, even though I didn’t fully know the artist. It was an amazing experience; they were super good, and I enjoyed listening and dancing in the crowd a lot.

Another unforgettable experience this month was, of course, San Juan. Celebrating the summer, we were all together with other volunteers from Valencia and AMICS. We spent the entire night together at the beach. Traditionally, we had a fire, went to the sea at midnight, and stayed until sunrise. It was a truly unforgettable experience.

For the June blog, I am a bit late, but July has already started full of unforgettable moments and experiences. See you next month!