A Month of Living in the Moment: July

This month has been very different from other months. It was full of Erasmus events, travels, meetings with old friends, and encounters with completely new people, all while spending a lot of time together. Spoiler alert: this one will be much longer than the others because I don’t want to miss any part of it.

In the first week of the month, we had a Youth Workers Mobility in Alicante together with the Amics team. We had participants from all over Europe to develop Key Action 2 projects on different topics. I took on the role of a facilitator in this event. It had been a long time since I last took part as a facilitator. Every time I have a trainer or facilitator role, it feels like a game that I have to figure out. This is because every time I meet different profiles of people as participants, the aims and goals of the event are different, and the people I work with are also different. So, in the end, it’s a game that I need to figure out one step at a time, following certain rules. Actually, I enjoy this part the most—figuring out how to create the best experience for everybody. Yes, it’s not always possible to make it the best for everyone, but that’s also okay; it’s part of the experience.

Then, when I came back to Valencia and was preparing for my next trip, one of my childhood friends randomly came to visit me. It was an AMAZING meet-up. We caught up on our lives, visited around the city, had drinks together, went to the beach, and balanced it all with some relaxing days. This was the most coincidental but most enjoyable meet-up for me. Who knows when or where we’ll meet again, but still having the contact made me appreciate it even more.

Right after that, I went to Brussels for a Youth Participation Activity between Türkiye, Italy, and Palestine. I must say, this project was special for me because we started the process when I was in Türkiye, and the partners I worked with were people I had met two years ago. Since then, we’ve continued meeting through other projects, strengthening the connections between us, and finally had the chance to lead a project together. Even though Brussels’ weather and food culture were not the best, as youth groups, we did everything together. We created, planned, discussed, and initiated together. It was a very pleasant experience for me. I was truly happy to meet and work with them again. I hope we can meet again for other projects. I must say that I realized once more that saying yes to new experiences and meeting new people is always enjoyable, and you never know where it will lead.

On the other hand, we have visited the European Parlement and had to chance to talk with people who working there, who are doing activism activities in Brussels as well. As a person who is actively participating in Erasmus + projects, it was also a great opportunity for me to see how everything works.

Right after Brussels (literally one day after), I went to Lisbon to meet with my friend from Türkiye. She had just finished her short-term volunteering in Italy, and we decided to visit a city that neither of us had been to before. We also used Couchsurfing to meet new people. We were lucky enough to meet and be hosted by two Italian guys who have been living there for seven years. It was a really pure connection, driven by a passion for traveling and meeting people. For me, it was truly unique to see how other people live in other countries—their struggles, good points, and way of living. I can say that I had the chance to see it firsthand. That’s why it was really precious for me.

On the other hand, I had the chance to meet again with a participant I had met in Alicante in January—Marta. When I decided to visit Lisbon, I just texted her, and she was also available. I really appreciated meeting her again, catching up on everything as if no time had passed since January. That’s why I always say it’s important to make the second contact after projects to see how it will continue, and I can say that I really appreciate it.

From Lisbon, I arrived in Madrid to meet with my brother, but it was already the beginning of August, so I will keep this part for the next blog to maintain the timeline.

Last but not least I wanted to keep these two memories from this month as well. The first concert that I went to alone – Scorpions, and very very Spanish way of celebrating Euro2024. Both of them reminded me how beautiful is that just to ‘exist’ at the moment.

As I mentioned, this month was full of everything—travels, new people, experiences, stress, emotions, excitement, laughter, visiting new places, listening, and much, much more. I truly appreciate everyone who made this month unforgettable.

See you next time!
