Christmas time!
Finally it is here, happy time that everybody is waiting for. In Agres the weather is getting colder but still no snow. Well in the Czech Republic is already snowing and degrees are below zero. I guess I am lucky to be here. Christmas is my favourite part of the winter. Family, friends, presents and the foood… love it. This month my friend from my country came to visit me, she is now working in Granada so it was a nice reunion.
Feria in Agres!!! Now we are preparing things for the Feria here to be sold. We are really close to Christmas and holidays so kids are excited and very active.
We had next Club de lectura and it was very intense and educative. The conversation about the book La Reina Roja got interesting. Next book is Los días del abandono! So excited to read it!!
10 days and I will go home to visit my family and friends for Christmas. Honestly I miss Czech Republic, I’ve never thought that I will but here we are. It is my home and I am crazy excited to go!