I really try not to think all the time like oooohhh I only have four months left, time is passing by so fast and aaaahh I am getting older and don’t know what to do with my life. But now as I have to think about what to write about February I have to do it 🙂
At the beginning of the month I had the Intermediate Evaluation (which was sadly online again) and there we reflected a lot about our last months here in Spain. So I realized that the half of my time as a volunteer is already over. It is so confusing and I will never be able to put this feeling into words, but it´s amazing what happened during the last five months.
To be honest there were also some tough moments, some changes I first didn’t like, some moments of missing my home and some of asking myself, what the hell am I doing here? The life has its ups and downs, but the most of the time I am so glad to have come to Valencia and this makes me very happy.
My most beautiful memory of February is, that I met my german friend in Madrid. We spent some sunny days there and after that she came with me to Valencia. It made me so proud to be able to go through Valencia, showing her the city and my favourite spots without using GoogleMaps 🙂